WHEN: 8th – 9th November, 2025
MEET FLYER Coming Soon
ENTRIES Coming Soon (MC Swimmers can contact meetdirector@smne.org.au for separate entry link if required) Close 5pm 30th October (no late entries permitted)
All attending coaches must pre-register their intent to attend any SMNE Meet.
Aust Swim Members: click HERE to register
ASCTA Members: Via Swim Central to register
Need to SCRATCH? Scan QR code below or Click HERE
Relay Change Form Click HERE
ENTRY FEE: Coming Soon
No late entries accepted under any circumstance, no exceptions. Emails requesting a late entry will not be responded to.
All SMNE Meets follow the SMNE Refund Policy. Refund requests must be submitted via email with a medical certificate to the Meet Director within 24 hours of the last day of the meet (ie by 4pm 9th June). Requests submitted after this date will not be accepted.
In accordance with Championships rules, no entries will be accepted from swimmers who do not meet the relevant qualifying time.
This meet is open to all “Full Swimmer” members of Primary SMNE Area Clubs only. Any swimmer found to be a Primary member of another Area will be scratched without refund.
I missed the closing cut off date/time can I request a late entry?
Late entries are not permitted at SMNE meets regardless of the circumstance.
My swimmer doesn’t have the required QT can we still enter under a manual time?
In accordance with Championship rules all swimmers must have the relevant QTs to enter. Manual entries are not accepted for Summer Champs or Winter Champs meets. If your coach has determined you are suitable for the Distance meet you may discuss options with your coach who may get in touch with me.
Why won’t Swim Central let me enter even though my swimmer has a qualifying time?
Times used must be from an Approved and Verified Meet. Check to see if the green tick is under the column vrfd in Swim Central. Note: not all Club run meets are official for approved times and therefore cannot be used to enter official meets.
What time is my race and when will the timeline be published?
It is impossible to predict the time of a race prior to the meet closing as timing always depends on how many people enter a particular event. Timelines are published after the meet has closed. The timeline is a guideline only and subject to change.
How can I check my swimmer’s entries?
Log into Swim Central and either click on the Events section or Order History from your home page.
We can no longer attend, how do I scratch?
Click on the link or scan the QR code above.
My swimmer is sick//injured can I request a refund?
You may request a refund if your swimmer is unable to attend for medical reasons however, you must email a medical certificate to meetdirector@smne.org.au as soon as you become aware or no later than 24 hours after the end of the meet. Medical certificates submitted after that will not be accepted and no refund will be given. Refunds must be requested via Swim Central PRIOR to the end of the meet.
When will the results be available and where can I see them?
The results will be approved on Swim Central 24 to 72 hours following the end of the meet. They will never be approved the same day as the meet. Results on the Mobile phone app Meet Mobile are not official and subject to change.
What is Meet Mobile?
Meet Mobile is a mobile phone app and many meet results can be seen live on the app during the meet. The results on the app, however, are not official and subject to change.
What are the operating hours of SMNE?
SMNE is a not-for-profit community organisation which is solely run by volunteers, the majority of whom work full time jobs and perform the SMNE duties on their own time as a volunteer. Therefore, there are no set office hours or operating hours.
I have a question not answered above, who do I contact?
Please email meetdirector@smne.org.au for all competition related questions or see the SMNE website Contact Us page for the correct contact depending on your enquiry. As all our volunteers have other jobs with varying hours, we cannot answer your questions by phone.