Volunteers & Tech Officials

Technical Officials & Other Volunteering
A team containing many different roles is required to run a carnival. Some roles require formal training and accreditation, others don’t. Authorised meets must be staffed by the right number and type of roles in order for the results to be treated as ‘official’ by the swimming authorities.
Volunteers & Technical Officials (also volunteers) are extremely valued and important members of the swimming community. Without Technical Officials there are no swim meets, and the swimmers have no competition. The number of volunteer hours required to run a one day swim meet is approximately 1000 hours so every organisation relies on the generosity of volunteers in order to continue to provide swimming opportunities for our community.
A swim meet needs a lot of officials – in an eight lane pool at least 40 technical officials are necessary if the meet is to run well, so new officials are constantly in demand. Being an official is an excellent way of supporting your children in their favourite sport.
Find out how to become a Technical Official, the learning pathways available through your club membership, and see how you can become part of the close-knit NSW Technical Official community and make great new friendships.
SNSW Rules
SNSW Rules are updated regularly. Please see their website for all current updates..
Volunteer now
Please check our Events Page to see which Meets require Technical officials to volunteer.
Technical Officials
One of the biggest issues swimming is facing is the lack of young volunteers and officials. Check out this toolkit designed by the Swim.Rocks digital community for ideas on engaging and developing young people into active and confident officials and volunteers.

The MNE region relies on the contribution of our volunteer technical officials (TOs) for the running of our events. This allowance policy was developed to assist the TOs with their expenses in providing these services. SMNE will pay an allowance for TOs who provide volunteer services at MNE sanctioned events. Please click here to read the policy. Applications will be made online for each meet.
Please check our Events Page to see which Meets require Technical officials to volunteer.
Many officials enjoy the opportunity to learn new roles, although there is no obligation to progress.
Online training resources:
- For Community Officiating Essential Skills (COES) course click here
- For Sport integrity Australia (SIA) courses like below, please click here
- Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport
- Anti Doping Fundamentals
- Competition Manipulation and Sport Gambling
- Annual Update
Online training is now available for the following positions:
Timekeeper / Chief Timekeeper
Marshall (aka Clerk of Course or Help Desk) and Check Starter
Inspector of Turns
Judge of Stroke
Dolphin Timing operator
Meet Manager operator
Available 24×7 online free of charge via the new Technical Officials Online Training
For people who have not done it before Timekeeper, Checkstarter and Marshall (aka Clerk of Course or Helpdesk) are recommended as good starting points.
Click HERE to read more about developing as a Technical Official.
Have questions or want training in other positions?
Contact Dean Vince, SMNE ATSC Coordinator by email: atsc@smne.org.au.
What happens after the course?
- Candidates should gain practical experience initially at a Club or Area meet
- Once they are ready, they will be assessed by a SNSW assessor, usually at an SMNE meet
- Completed paperwork is forwarded to SNSW and eventually a ‘Technical Official’ badge and plastic card will be received. Candidates are licensed to officiate as soon as they have passed their assessment.
Team Manager
At higher level meets, a Club Team manager may be required to assist the coaches with various duties ensuring coaches can focus on coaching and not have to go off pool deck to sort out any issues that may arise. For a description of what a Team Manager should do, please click HERE.
Volunteer duties
A team containing many different roles is required to run a carnival. Some roles require formal training and accreditation, others don’t. Authorised meets must be staffed by the right number and type of roles in order for the results to be treated as ‘official’ by the swimming authorities. The duties on this page are essential duties at each carnival performed by various volunteers from different Clubs but do not require any formal training.
Description of duties
Download here.
Additional details for some roles
The runner at each meet ensures that the meet results are picked up and delivered to the appropriate technical official. This role is not a very busy role and allows the runner to still watch events throughout the meet.